Puzzle 155 – “Summer Yes, Theme No”
puz here / pdf here / solution here
The title for this one is pretty self-explanatory, right? My school year is over, and I do love summer. I love themelesses too… so here’s one for the unofficially official first week of summer.
This one’s a little heavier on misdirects and question-mark clues than is my norm. Favorite clue here is probably 62-Across, though I really like 26-Down as well.
In other puzzling news… I’d love for you to check out another one by me, whose vibe is also very yay-for-summer, over at the Gin & Grapefruit (midi-sized puzzles) side of the Lemonade Disco site. Also last week, I had a 7×7 mini appear on Crossword Flow, an iPad-specific puzzle app that I’ll be popping up on a few more times in the future.
I hope your summer is off to a good start as well. We’ll keep the puzzling going here each Tuesday.
Hope you enjoy this one. Comments are welcomed, as ever. Happy solving, yall.
Good one thanks!
44 down. shocking. they only had one?!
The world wasn’t ready…
oh I had a ton of fun with this one! which checks out, as a great enjoyer of misdirects and question marks. really liked 62A, 1A, 6D, 26D in particular. I’m also really happy to see 27A pop up. what a giant. (no disrespect of 3D intended!) thank you for a very cool solve, and happy slightly belated your-summer!
And to you!
We might see more frequent misdirects and question mark clues in the future… you never know…