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“In the Shadow of the Sixties: Where Do We Go from Here?” In American Literature in Transition: 1970-1980, edited by Kirk Curnutt, Cambridge UP, 2018.

Weekend Warriors: DeLillo’s ‘The Uniforms,’ Players, and Film-to-Page Reappearance.” Orbit, volume 4, issue 2, 2016.

“The (Fictional) Character Projected Upon the Page: The Moviegoer and the Semiotics of the Celebrity Self” In Walker Percy’s The Moviegoer at 50, edited by Jennifer Levasseur and Mary M. McCay, LSU Press, 2016.

“More Than Zero: Post-Punk Ideology (and Its Rejection) in Bret Easton Ellis” In Write in Tune: Contemporary Music in Fiction, edited by Erich Hertz and Jeffrey Roessner, Bloomsbury, 2014.

The Multiply Framed Narratives of Ellen Douglas’s Can’t Quit You, Baby.” The Southern Literary Journal, volume 46, issue 1, 2013.

Resisting the Devouring Neon: Hysterical Crowds and Self-Abnegating Art in Don DeLillo’s Great Jones Street.” Critique, volume 53, issue 1, 2011.

Southwest Toward Home: Willie Morris as Perennial Outsider, Texas as Transitional Space.” Mississippi Quarterly, volume 63, issue 1, 2010.

More Than a Vast Avant-Pop Wasteland: Tom Carson’s Gilligan’s Wake, Television, and American Historical Fiction.” Genre, volume 42, issue 3-4, 2009.

Dutchman‘s Signifyin(g) Subway: How Amiri Baraka Takes Ralph Ellison Underground” in Reading Contemporary African American Drama: Fragments of History, Fragments of Self, edited by Trudier Harris and Jennifer Larson, Peter Lang, 2007.